Career at MHO-Co
At MHO-Co we strive to create a positive work environment where we get to know each other and have a fun and educational workday while providing high safety and reliability to our clients. We have an informal tone with room for both seriousness and a good laugh.
As part of the MHO family and crew on one of our vessels you are typically posted on the vessel four or eight weeks at a time. We put safety first and a job at MHO-Co requires both experience from the shipping industry and CTVs experience and that you at all times have updated curses and certifications.
John Heald, captain, MHO Grimsby
“The most important part of the job is the safety. The technicians that we carry have to trust us to safely take them around the wind farms and safely transfer them and know when to pick them up.”
The captain has the command onboard and has full responsibility for the ship, the cargo and the crew. As captain you are responsible to ensure that all operations are in accordance to the flag states legislations, charters and the owners’ instructions.
To be a captain at MHO-Co the minimum requirements are:
- Master COC (STCW A-II/2)
- Medical certificate
- Safety training officers STCW
- GOC/GMDSS certificate
Andrejs Borodulins, Able Seaman, MHO Grimsby
“I’m like the face of the company because I meet people on the gangway. I’m proud to be a team member of MHO-Co.”
Able seamen work on deck based on experience. As an able seaman you do maintenance work, cleaning, loading and unloading and navigational shifts.
To be an able seaman in MHO the minimum requirements are:
- 36 months sea service
- Medical certificate
- Slinger Banksman certificate (stroppekursus)
- AB CoP (STCW A-II/5)
- Security duties CoP (ISPS/Søfolk med særlige sikrings pligter)
Michael England, chief officer, MHO Grimsby
”We are always the same crew onboard and know each other. It’s like a small family. MHO-Co is a growing company and it is really good to be here. They are going to change the wind farm game, so it is exciting to be here.”
The chief officer is responsible for the deck department and to keep supervision with the crew, organize duty rosters and act as a deputy for the captain. As chief officer you have navigational shifts and are responsible for loading and unloading of cargo.
To be a chief cfficer at MHO, the minimum requirements are:
- Chief officer COC (STCW A-II/2)
- Medical certificate
- GOC/GMDSS certificate
Want to join our team?
You are always welcome send an unsolicited application so that we may contact you in relation to any arising future vacancies. Please ensure your CV contains relevant information about your qualifications.
Our crew consists of:
Chief Officer
Chief Engineer
Able Seaman
Please send your application to clearly indicating which job you are interested in.